Graduate Class of 2020 – A new career normal

Have you just graduated from University, but your original plans may now not be realistic? It could be you have been forced to think of other options, moving in with parents and following a totally new path to the one you had envisaged.

As the summer comes to an end and with fierce competition for graduates looking for jobs what can you do to stand out from the crowd?

Start with your CV

Spend some time making sure your CV is the absolute best it can be. Always ensure you stick to two pages being as succinct as possible. Catch a recruiter’s eye with a strong personal profile statement at the top of your CV summarising who you are and what your key skills are/what makes you individual – recruiters could be receiving hundreds of CV’s and only have time to look quickly so these first couple of lines are vital.

Put your key information on each job in bullet points instead of long-winded paragraphs, your interview is your chance to expand on all of this.

Any work or volunteering you are doing at the moment ensure it’s added to your CV, if you are just starting out in your career make sure you add any work experience you’ve done and what you learnt from the experience. Companies are always interested to hear how experiences have had an impact on you.

Always spell check! Make sure your spelling and grammar is correct. Perhaps give it to a friend or family member to check over to make sure it reads well.

Future plans

It may not seem like it now but the economic situation will improve.

Spend some time searching the labour market to see which companies are hiring. It may be this highlights a career area you hadn’t ever thought of before and feel inspired to look into more.


Set yourself goals! Try to create an action plan including personal and work goals. Even quick wins daily or weekly will ensure you stay motivated for the future.


As tempting as it may be to get up later, setting yourself a good routine with eating, sleeping and exercise in your day will ensure you can stay positive. Take breaks, chat to friends, go and enjoy a walk during the day – enjoy the Autumn sunshine!

If you are interested in a free no obligation chat to focus on your career goals please do contact me to see if I can help you with your plans.